Do Not Overwhelm in Chaos
Chaotic trading really can boost your trading confidence level into a very high stage. One of a friend came and met me last night at my hometown in Malaysia, He told me he got USD1500 overnight using my method. I asked him, which method you are talking about? He told me about the 3 wiseman (chaos technical analysis). Wow!! I congratulate him and felt really proud of him. The I asked him again how many pips is that, he told me it was 300 pips. Meaning 1 pips is equivalent to USD 5. I was really glad to hear that. But my final question to him really made me disappointed, that question was, how much was your capital before? He told me it was $800 before that trade.. OMG this guy is really crazy.. He told me that he felt so confidence with the techniques.
That was another successful story to tell about using Chaos, he might be crazy or he is really extra-ordinary trader, supernatural trader who really believe He can do a miracle. I am 100% disagree with anybody who really gamble their money. But as we discussed before it is really about our thinking. If he did not gamble but really with 150% confidence level and reached the supernatural way of trading, I will be very-very glad and wish to be somebody like him.
PS: Check this blog out frequently, I am doing video shoot to teach al the techniques.
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