Project-X: Is it for you?
Maybe you are asking this question now? Is project-X the right tool for you? I am an experienced trader went through up and down in this trading world. I did loss, I did win, I did laugh and I did cry. Project-X is something so different, not only because I really respect the one who made it but the strategy behind it is very ultimate. Most of the trades take only less than 30 minutes to show positive result and most of them will never float more than -20 pips from the entry price. Isnt this great? Off course it is... I cant imagine how much money I have now if i really have this system when I started.
This really a turning point for those just started in FOREX or for a chronic losers!! Join me making trades as simple as we could. No more stress and guessing. Isn't this what you looking for? I knwo another question left, is this system really works? I will build a portfolio dedicate to this system and will update the statement weekly on this blog. Stay with me.
Dear Chaos mate, for now u still seeking for your own belief system. You did not see the real past of inner you. u still digging and digging until you dead. You teach people about chaotic minded but you yourself don't know where are the underlying structure within your mind and soul. perhaps you better sit in the very quite room and ask yourself where is the underlying structure that you said to many people about unconscious mind. Your still don't have a way to the path of least resistance. I hope the word that i tell your can open your mind to be a better you.
stop seeking, stop finding and dance with the rhythms of your inner belief. Hope you don't get lost in the chaotic minded that make you path more miserable.
Chaotic Trader.
:) macam aku cakap dalam comment sebelum.. mamat ni jelas nampak ketidakcukupan.. mcm newbie forex yg baru bertatih.. kecoh semalaysia.. baru dapat visi dalam forex ye?? banyak lagi la bro kena blajar.. kesian je nampak.. tapi takpe ah.. belajar dari pengalaman.. aku dulu pun cam gini gak.. syok sendiri je lebih..
So many people looking towards to gain some respects or influence in this "world". I never said that I am the best chaotic trader. I never ask for any single cent for those who met me. I am not so sure why there's some people annoyed by my blog. Hmmm... If you met me and smile on my front and posted bad comments on this blog using anonymous ID, I wont say anything, let the readers judge and lets god bring the justice. If you didnt see me and yet bad mouthing here like a coward, I think you should come and see me first. Anyway, I dont lose anything. You are the one, you owe me this till the day-after.. :)
rilex ceo....memang camtu orang kita....keep it up
Salam bro moneyceo, caya la system bro tue, bile la agaknye nak ajar saya newbie nie?? asyik loss je manjang..
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