Everyday is A Good Trading Day
Is that really true? Everyday is a good trading day. Ask any of pro-chaos trader. They will have the same answer as mine. We always love the market, we always dance we the market and we always even smile in front of our computer for the market. Market is just like the girl of your dream. You cannot blame her when you dont know how to react to her action. Market is not some creature that will obey on all of your desires, but remember you are the one who made decision to dedicate your life to her.
Girls, they are sometimes adorable and some other time annoying. But I still in love with them. SO, I have to train myself to react accordingly to their action. If I react wrongly, she might leave me. Because she is very independent girl. She never depends on me to live. I am the one who depending on her. Fortunately for this few months I react accordingly to whatever she wants me to react. SO, I got all her love. I am deeply in love with her and I dont want to get hurt if she ever leave me.So, how to act accordingly? The answer is very simple use CHAOS TRADING . The answer to know what action the market takes so that we can act accordingly. Chaotic trading let you know either the market is trend following, reversing or ranging and it also tells you how to react under the 3 circumstances. I will tell you about the 3 circumstances later....
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