Monday, March 3, 2008

Trading is Fun with Chaos

It has been a while since my last update on this blog. I am a bit busy teaching Chaos Technique to a few friends. I love teaching Chaos as it would remind me to my master purpose to be a great trader. When we teach we going to learn twice compared to when we learn. Chaos is a very simple technique on market analysis. It focus more on your self analysis, which make it very interesting and profitable. If you would like to explore about the market and hoping to get some profit it is very impossible, you have to explore your own self.

Last week the FOREX market was very trendy a few pair made a rally of 700 pips and more. So, was everybody made profit? The answer is no, some people made more than 2000 pips in total some even double the account but some people just made about 50 pips and some even lost. What went wrong? was it the market? Off course the answer is no, not the market's fault. the market was very generous to give away up to 700 pips in a beautiful trend.

The answer is yourself (if you lost). That the only thing that went wrong. You were not prepared as a trader yet even worse you might be a gambler. Most of the people who lost last week told me that they thought the market is already overbought or oversold. This what I told them "Market never be overbought or oversold, it's in that place because everybody think it should be there". It is very true or else the market will never do all time high or low. Using oscillator will never tells you about OB or OS. The market only going to reverse when there is enough sign that buyer or seller losing their strength. One of a good sign to tell this is Divergent Bar. I dont have to explain more about divergent bar, you can google it and there is a lot of article on it. One of the Chaos way to trade is using this sign.


eD @ aIDiL said... never OB or OS... its sacred cow terminator #3 in trading chaos 2 by bill william... :D nk blaja trading chaos ngan bro la nanti bile sampai kl...leh tak :P

Anonymous said...

yup... no problem

Anonymous said...

saya pun rasa nak belajar chaos ni..baca e-book rasa tak lengkap. better ada sifu yg ajar baru confident skit.

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